João V. Guedes-Neto

João V. Guedes-Neto

Assistant Professor



I am an Assistant Professor of Public Administration at FGV EBAPE. My research concentrates on the individual-level dynamics of bureaucratic politics. I rely on survey experiments, econometrics, and face-to-face interviews to understand coordination problems, the politics of policy implementation, and other aspects of intergroup relations. My work has appeared in outlets such as Comparative Political Studies, Representation, and Political Studies Review.

Currently, I am working on two book projects: “Bureaucratic Resistance to Illiberal Policies” (Cambridge University Press, co-authored with B. Guy Peters) and “Bureaucratic Polarization: How Workplace Identity and Intergroup Conflict Shape Policy Implementation” (Routledge).

You are welcome to contact me at joao.neto [at] fgv [dot] br.

  • Political Psychology
  • Survey Experiments
  • Politics of Bureaucracy
  • Policy Implementation
  • PhD in Political Science, 2022

    University of Pittsburgh

  • MA in Political Science, 2019

    University of Pittsburgh

  • MA in Public Economics, Law and Politics, 2017

    Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

  • MA in Public Management and Society, 2015

    Universidade Federal de Alfenas

  • BA in Economics, 2011

    Universidade Federal de São João del-Rei